Tenant Satisfaction Measures
From 1st April 2023, the Regulator of Social Housing introduced a new set of Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM’s), to assess how well social housing landlords are doing at providing good quality homes and services.
The measures are aimed at helping improve standards for people living in social housing, by:
- Providing visibility, letting tenants see how well their landlord is doing and enabling tenants to hold their landlords to account.
- Giving the Regulator insight into which landlords might need to improve things for their tenants.
There are 22 tenant satisfactions measures, covering five themes.
Ten of the TSM’s are measured by monitoring performance against a set of key standards, and 12 will be measured by carrying out tenant satisfaction perception surveys to understand what our customers think about the services we offer.

During 2023/24, we surveyed all customers and received 131 responses, across various locations, property types and age ranges to gather a broad understanding of our tenant views. Please find below supplementary information relating to our approach and the survey form used:
Below are the results of our Tenant Satisfaction Measures for the 2023/2024 financial year.
Overall satisfaction with the service provided by Pine Court Housing Association* 90.1%
*Tenant perception taken from the TSM surveys
The measures focus on five key themes:
Theme 1 – Keeping properties in a good state of repair.
- Satisfaction with the overall repairs service* 91.5%
- Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair* 93.3%
- Satisfaction that homes are well maintained* 92.4%
- Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard 0%
- Emergency repairs completed within target timescale 99.4%
- Non-emergency repairs completed within target timescale 86.4%
Theme 2 – Maintaining building safety.
- Satisfaction that PCHA provide homes that are safe* 91.6%
- Gas safety checks completed 100%
- Fire safety checks completed 100%
- Asbestos safety checks completed 100%
- Water safety checks completed 100%
- Lift safety checks completed 100%
Theme 3 – Respectful and helpful engagement.
- Satisfaction that PCHA listens to your views and acts upon them* 81.9%
- Satisfaction that PCHA keeps tenants informed about things that matter to you* 87.6%
- PCHA treats me fairly and with respect* 91.6%
Theme 4 – Effective handling of complaints.
- Satisfaction with the approach to handling complaints* 62.5%
- Number of stage 1 complaints relative to the size of Pine Court Housing Association 7.4
- Number of stage 2 complaints relative to the size of Pine Court Housing Association – None received in 2023/2024
- Proportion of stage 1 complaints responded to within target timescales 100%
- Proportion of stage 2 complaints responded to within target timescales – None received in 2023/2024
Theme 5 – Responsible neighbourhood management.
- Satisfaction that communal areas are clean and well maintained* 86.5%
- Satisfaction that PCHA makes a positive contribution to your neighbourhoods* 87.8%
- Satisfaction with approach to handling anti-social behaviour* 82.0%
- Number of anti-social behaviour cases relative to the size of Pine Court Housing Association 22.1
- Number of anti-social behaviour hate crime cases relative to the size of Pine Court Housing Association 1.8
We will continue to collate the TSM data and share it with customers on a regular basis to demonstrate that we are transparent about our performance, and to provide customers with confidence in the services we deliver.
For more information on our performance, read the 2024/25 Q2 Tenant Satisfaction Measure report in full here.
If you would like to become an involved customer and help shape our services, there are many ways in which you can do so, please visit the Get Involved section on our website for more information.
More information about our performance can be found here.
This page was last updated on 11/12/2024