Anti-social Behaviour and Hate Crime

We are committed to creating diverse, inclusive communities and work hard to reduce Anti-social Behaviour at hate crime for our customers.

Reaching out for help can sometimes feel difficult, but we’re here to help you. 

  • ASB is problematic behaviour in a person that is likely to distress or harass people of a different household. This can have a devastating impact on a person’s mental health and well-being if not dealt with properly.

  • Hate crime is a term used to describe a range of criminal behaviour where the perpetrator demonstrates hostility towards a victim’s race, disability, religion, sexual orientation or transgender identity.

    A hate crime can include verbal abuse, intimidation, threats, harassment, assault and bullying, as well as damages to property.

  • We are committed to positively promoting cultural tolerance and cohesion across our diverse communities which are made up of 56% Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) customers. 

    Our Housing Officers work closely with Merseyside Police and partner agencies to identify and tackle ASB and hate crime problems, helping victims, witnesses and vulnerable people.

    Together with partner agencies we enforce a variety of preventative measures, such as:  

    • Mediation
    • Warning letters
    • Acceptable behaviour contracts
    • Youth diversionary activities
    • Increased security measures for homes and estates
    • Injunctions and evictions.

    Please be assured that any information given to us in confidence will not be passed to the other party unless you give your consent.*

  • If you need immediate assistance, are at risk of harm, or are witnessing a crime, please contact the Police on 999 (emergencies only) or 101 (non-emergencies).

    We strongly urge anyone being affected to contact us immediately

    If you have already contacted the police or a partner agency, you can request for them to call us on your behalf. 

  • You can access support from a number of organisations, including:

    Merseyside Police

    999 (emergencies only) or 101 (non-emergencies).


    0800 555 111

    Victim Support

    0808 1689 111

    Stop Hate

    0113 293 5100

    Citizens Advice

    0808 223 1133

    Anthony Walker Foundation

    0151 237 3974

    For support with domestic violence, you can also access support from:

    Merseyside Domestic Abuse Service

    07802 722703


    0808 2000 247

    Women’s Aid

    Rights of Women


    The National Centre for Domestic Violence

    0800 970 2070

    Text NCDV to 60777

    On Your Side

    0808 801 0393

  • Download a copy of our Anti-Social Behaviour Policy here.

*Information may be shared with partner organisations where this is appropriate and allowed by legislation (specifically the Data Protection Act 1998 and Crime and Disorder Act 1998) or where this is felt to be necessary to protect the public interest. You can also find out more about your previous cases raised but requesting a review through the Community Trigger – you can do this by contacting us.